Simon Says Stamp September 2014 Card Kit. Card #2 and Video!

This post is also available in English

Hi everyone! I’m have another card to share with you using the September 2014 Card Kit from Simon Says Stamp. This time I tried to create custom book ends for my stamped shelves using images from the stamp set from the kit.

Simon Says Stamp Septermber 2014 Card Kit

So here’s what my card looks like. You can see the alarm clock is split in two and creates fun book ends for my middle shelf.

Yana Smakula | Simon Says Stamp September 2014 Card Kit. Card #2 - Custom Book Ends. Video

I also created little diplomas for my wall by using pattern paper from the kit. And added a secret hidden message by replacing some of the books with stickers from the sticker sheet from the kit.

Yana Smakula | Simon Says Stamp September 2014 Card Kit. Card #2 - Custom Book Ends. Video

I’m sharing all of that in my video. You can watch it here or on Youtube:

If you liked this video, please click Like button, comment this video and share it with your crafty friends. Thank you!

A few more card details:

Yana Smakula | Simon Says Stamp September 2014 Card Kit. Card #2 - Custom Book Ends. Video

Yana Smakula | Simon Says Stamp September 2014 Card Kit. Card #2 - Custom Book Ends. Video

Hero Arts Artists Team + Many Birthday Messages Card & Video

This post is also available in EnglishGood morning ladies! Today I have exciting news to share with you!…


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