Layout Easter is Coming

I made this layout awhile ago, early this spring. As usual I took some photos, misplaced them and almost forgot about this page. Thus I’m only showing it now.

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The layout is about my pre-Easter experiments with grass and egg shells, I wrote about them here (sorry, there’s no translation, its in Ukrainian).

Journaling was done on my typewriter on a sticker from American Crafts, it reads:

growing decorative grass for my cats while waiting for spring and Easter. March – 2013.

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Сторінка Easter is Coming

Сторінка Easter is Coming

Листівка щомісяця: One of a kind

У Зроби Сам(А) розпочинється нова, довгоочікувана читачами рубрика під назвою “Листівка щомісяця“. Рубрика виходитиме раз на місяць у…


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